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If you have staked ASTRO into the Staking contract, you may be eligible to vote on proposals. Staking must have occured before the submission of the proposal you are voting on.

Additionally, proposal submitters cannot vote on their own proposal.

Casting a Vote


To vote on a proposal, you need to execute a contract message pointing to the cast_vote endpoint in the Assembly contract.

cast_vote takes in the proposal_id and the vote option (for or against)

"cast_vote": {
"proposal_id": 92,
"vote": "for"

feather.js example

The code in this section is an example implementation of a cast_vote message using feather.js.

const assemblyAddress = 'terra195m6n5xq4rkjy47fn5y3s08tfmj3ryknj55jqvgq2y55zul9myzsgy06hk';
const vote = new MsgExecuteContract(
"cast_vote": {
"proposal_id": 92,
"vote": "for"
let fee = new Fee(2000000, { uluna: 100000 });
let tx = await wallet.createAndSignTx({
msgs: [vote],
chainID: 'pisco-1',
let result = await lcd.tx.broadcast(tx, 'pisco-1');


To vote on a proposal, you need to execute a contract message pointing to the cast_vote endpoint in the Assembly contract.

cast_vote takes in the proposal_id and the vote option (for or against)

feather.js example

The code in this section is an example implementation of a cast_vote message using feather.js.

"cast_vote": {
"proposal_id": 92,
"vote": "for"