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Submitting a Proposal


The Assembly contract allows xASTRO holders as well as Initial Astroport Builders to post new on-chain proposals that can execute arbitrary logic, including contract parameter changes, smart contract upgrades, and treasury disbursements. For a full list of upgradeable contracts and availiable parameter changes, look here.

Upon approval, the upgrades or assignments will be autonomously executed.

Proposal Message


To submit a proposal, you need to execute a contract message pointing to the send enpoint in the xASTRO token contract.

The send operation takes in a:

  • contract - Address where xASTRO tokens are being sent to (Assembly contract)
  • amount - Required deposit to submit a proposal (30,000 xASTRO for mainnet)
  • msg Binary encoded message containing our contract call.

"send": {
"contract": assemblyAddress,
"amount": "1000", // testnet deposit amount - mainnet = 30,000 xASTRO
"msg": toBase64(
"submit_proposal": {
"title": "Example proposal",
"description": "Example proposal",
"link": "",
"wasm": {
"execute": {
"contract_addr": factoryAddress,
"msg": toBase64(
"deregister": {
"asset_infos": [
"token": {
"contract_addr": astroAddress
"token": {
"contract_addr": steakAddress
"funds": []
"ibc_channel": "channel..."


Our encoded message performs a contract call to the submit_proposal endpoint in the Assembly contract.

submit_proposal takes in the following parameters:

  • title: Proposal title
  • description: Description for the proposal
  • link: Link to forum discussion
  • messages: Proposal messages
  • ibc_channel: Governance channel

"send": {
"contract": assemblyAddress,
"amount": "1000", // testnet deposit amount - mainnet = 30,000 xASTRO
"msg": toBase64(
"submit_proposal": {
"title": "Example proposal",
"description": "Example proposal",
"link": "",
"wasm": {
"execute": {
"contract_addr": factoryAddress,
"msg": toBase64(
"deregister": {
"asset_infos": [
"token": {
"contract_addr": astroAddress
"token": {
"contract_addr": steakAddress
"funds": []
"ibc_channel": "channel..."


The msg parameter contains a WasmMsg of type Execute.

wasm -> execute requires the following parameters:

  • contract_addr: Address of the contract our proposal message is pointing to. For example, if you are deregistering a pool, the address would be the Factory contract address.
  • msg: Binary encoded message containing our contract call.
  • funds: Any funds to send along with our transaction.

"send": {
"contract": assemblyAddress,
"amount": "1000", // testnet deposit amount - mainnet = 30,000 xASTRO
"msg": toBase64(
"submit_proposal": {
"title": "Example proposal",
"description": "Example proposal",
"link": "",
"wasm": {
"execute": {
"contract_addr": factoryAddress,
"msg": toBase64(
"deregister": {
"asset_infos": [
"token": {
"contract_addr": astroAddress
"token": {
"contract_addr": steakAddress
"funds": []
"ibc_channel": "channel..."

Proposal Example

Our msg parameter contains our final contract call which executes autonomously upon the passage of a successful proposal.

In this example, we deregister the ASTRO-Steak token pair.

"deregister": {
"asset_infos": [
"token": {
"contract_addr": astroAddress
"token": {
"contract_addr": steakAddress

Encoding our Messages

To encode our message, there are two common options:

The code in this section uses a custom function (toBase64) to display our binary message - this function needs to be defined elsewhere to be used. The actual string representation of our message would be an encoded binary.

let toBase64 = (obj) => {
return Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(obj)).toString("base64");


To submit a proposal, you need to execute a contract message pointing to the send enpoint in the xASTRO token contract.

The send operation takes in a:

  • contract - Address where xASTRO tokens are being sent to (Assembly contract)
  • amount - Required deposit to submit a proposal (30,000 xASTRO for mainnet)
  • msg Binary encoded message containing our contract call.


Our encoded message performs a contract call to the submit_proposal endpoint in the Assembly contract.

submit_proposal takes in the following parameters:

  • title: Proposal title
  • description: Description for the proposal
  • link: Link to forum discussion
  • messages: Proposal messages
  • ibc_channel: Governance channel


The msg parameter contains a WasmMsg of type Execute.

wasm -> execute requires the following parameters:

  • contract_addr: Address of the contract our proposal message is pointing to. For example, if you are deregistering a pool, the address would be the Factory contract address.
  • msg: Binary encoded message containing our contract call.
  • funds: Any funds to send along with our transaction.

Proposal Example

Our msg parameter contains our final contract call which executes autonomously upon the passage of a successful proposal.

In this example, we deregister the ASTRO-Steak token pair.

Encoding our Messages

To encode our message, there are two common options:

The code in this section uses a custom function (toBase64) to display our binary message - this function needs to be defined elsewhere to be used. The actual string representation of our message would be an encoded binary.

"send": {
"contract": assemblyAddress,
"amount": "1000", // testnet deposit amount - mainnet = 30,000 xASTRO
"msg": toBase64(
"submit_proposal": {
"title": "Example proposal",
"description": "Example proposal",
"link": "",
"wasm": {
"execute": {
"contract_addr": factoryAddress,
"msg": toBase64(
"deregister": {
"asset_infos": [
"token": {
"contract_addr": astroAddress
"token": {
"contract_addr": steakAddress
"funds": []
"ibc_channel": "channel..."