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Bug Bounty

Astroport’s builders partnered with DeFi’s leading bug bounty platform, Immunefi to offer up to $1.5 million in pre-launch bug bounties to uncover vulnerabilities in the protocol.

As an adaptive Automated Market Maker (AMM) and Decentralized Exchange (DEX) built on Terra 2, Astroport has been coded from scratch in the Rust programming language. The protocol is committed to security and radical transparency, and the pre-launch bug bounty was one of the Top 15 largest active bug bounties in the industry.

Immunefi protects more than $100 billion in user funds and is trusted by many of the biggest projects in DeFi including Chainlink, Nexus Mutual, Sushiswap and Synthetix. To date, it’s helped pay out more than $7.5 million in bounties including a $1.5 million payout to a single hacker who discovered a vulnerability on insurance platform ArmorFi.

To participate in the bug bounty or learn more, please visit ImmuneFi here:

Bounty Tiers

Today, whitehat hackers can earn up to $100,000 (payable in USDC) per vulnerability in the following bug bounty tiers:

  • Critical: Up to $100,000
  • High: $50,000
  • Medium: $20,000
  • Low: $1,000