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Staking/Unstaking LP Tokens


A user can stake their LP tokens into the Generator contract to receive ASTRO or 3rd party emissions by calling deposit. The deposit operation should be executed from inside the contract of the LP token you want to stake.

Users can also unstake their LP tokens by calling withdraw endpoint in the Generator contract. withdraw also claims any outstanding token emissions.

Staking LP Tokens


To stake our LP tokens in the Generator contract, you need to execute a contract message pointing to the send enpoint of the contract associated with the LP token you want to stake.

The send operation takes in a:

  • contract - Address LP tokens are being sent to (Generator contract)
  • amount - Amount to send/stake
  • msg - Binary encoded message containing our contract call.

"send": {
"contract": generatorAddress,
"amount": "10000000",
"msg": toBase64(
"deposit": {}


Our encoded message performs a contract call to the deposit endpoint in the Generator contract.

No other parameters are required.

"send": {
"contract": generatorAddress,
"amount": "10000000",
"msg": toBase64(
"deposit": {}

Encoding our Msg

To encode our message, there are two common options:

The code in this section uses a custom function (toBase64) to display our binary message - this function needs to be defined elsewhere to be used. The actual string representation of our message would be an encoded binary.

"send": {
"contract": generatorAddress,
"amount": "10000000",
"msg": toBase64(
"deposit": {}


The code in this section is an example of a deposit message using feather.js to define our custom function and encode our message.

const generatorAddress = 'terra1gc4d4v82vjgkz0ag28lrmlxx3tf6sq69tmaujjpe7jwmnqakkx0qm28j2l';
const stakeLPTokens = new MsgExecuteContract(
"send": {
"contract": generatorAddress,
"amount": "10000000",
"msg": toBase64(
"deposit": {}
const fee = new Fee(2000000, { uluna: 200000 });
const tx = await wallet.createAndSignTx({
msgs: [stakeLPTokens],
chainID: 'pisco-1',
const result = await lcd.tx.broadcast(tx, 'pisco-1');


To stake our LP tokens in the Generator contract, you need to execute a contract message pointing to the send enpoint of the contract associated with the LP token you want to stake.

The send operation takes in a:

  • contract - Address LP tokens are being sent to (Generator contract)
  • amount - Amount to send/stake
  • msg - Binary encoded message containing our contract call.


Our encoded message performs a contract call to the deposit endpoint in the Generator contract.

No other parameters are required.

Encoding our Msg

To encode our message, there are two common options:

The code in this section uses a custom function (toBase64) to display our binary message - this function needs to be defined elsewhere to be used. The actual string representation of our message would be an encoded binary.


The code in this section is an example of a deposit message using feather.js to define our custom function and encode our message.

"send": {
"contract": generatorAddress,
"amount": "10000000",
"msg": toBase64(
"deposit": {}

Unstaking LP Tokens


To unstake LP tokens from the Generator contract, you need to execute a contract message pointing to the withdraw endpoing in the Generator contract.

withdraw takes in the address lp_token you want to withdraw and an amount to withdraw.

"withdraw": {
"lp_token": astrolunaLPAddress,
"amount": "5000000"


To unstake LP tokens from the Generator contract, you need to execute a contract message pointing to the withdraw endpoing in the Generator contract.

withdraw takes in the address lp_token you want to withdraw and an amount to withdraw.

"withdraw": {
"lp_token": astrolunaLPAddress,
"amount": "5000000"